洞察力 2024年4月29日


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Has the recent dip in UK electric vehicle sales put the brakes on the transition to EV?

的re was surprise in many quarters when the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) announced 新电动汽车注册量下降 从16.2023 - 2015年3月为2%.今年3月为2%.

But the figures only tell half the story according to Mitie’s Head of 运输 Consulting, 马特·戴尔.

查看Mitie Perspectives系列的第二篇文章, Matt argues the acceleration towards EV shows no sign of stopping – and offers his expert opinion on how to keep progress on track.

It’s happened before; new figures suggesting even just a tiny hurdle on the UK’s 零净之旅 成为头条新闻.

Recent numbers from SMMT showing a 1% drop in privately purchased and registered EVs are no exception. While the BBC remained relatively matter of fact with its coverage – 随着私人销售的下降,电动汽车的市场份额也在下降 其他网站就不一样了

  • 这是电动汽车的终结吗?
  • 随着市场份额的萎缩,电动汽车失去了吸引力
  • Electric car sales continue to falter as more drivers turn to hybrids

I’d like to respond to the question posed by the first headline with a robust ‘No’. Read on to find out why, together with my thoughts on how the move to EV could be better supported.


It’s important to realise the 1% dip in EV sales relates to purchases by private buyers. SMMT的数据显示,实际上有48个,2024年3月销售388辆纯电动汽车, 比2023年上涨了近4%. 同期,柴油车销量下降了2%.7%,这意味着一切都在朝着正确的方向发展. Ultimately the UK’s journey to electric is an evolution, not a revolution. It would be silly to think that after years of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, 我们可以在一夜之间改用电力.



电动汽车的薪酬牺牲计划增长迅速. 这意味着雇主可以代表同事租用电动汽车, who gets the car in exchange for sacrificing part of their gross salary. As the sacrificed salary isn’t taxable, the employee can save up to 40% on a new EV. 这些电动汽车购买记录为车队注册, 即使这个人最终拥有了自己的私家车. So, while the headline figures show fewer private individuals committing to an EV purchase, 其中一些很可能从裂缝中溜走.

It’s misguided to blame a delay in the new petrol and diesel car ban

Several articles mention that Rishi Sunak postponed outlawing new petrol and diesel car sales from 2030 to 2035. 他们声称,这导致越来越少的人选择电动汽车. I don’t think that’s the case and to suggest as much paints a false picture of EVs being in terminal decline. 的 零排放车辆指令 更有意义. Since January at least 22% of vehicles sold this year must be zero-emission, 目标是到2030年提高到80%,到2035年提高到100%. Manufacturers failing to hit the quotas could be fined £15,000 per car. This legislation will maintain EV sales far more than the delay in the ban will reduce them.


这些数据创造了所有的头条新闻,与新的电动汽车销售有关. 然而,今年2月并没有那么大惊小怪,当时 SMMT透露,二手电动汽车的销量飙升至创纪录的90辆.在2022年第四季度至2023年之间增长9%. 我之前说过, the switch to electric is an evolution not a revolution and drivers have good reason for choosing a second-hand EV as they ‘dip a toe’ in this new mode of transport. It’s perfectly reasonable to give EVs a try without the financial commitment of a new vehicle. 移动部件比ICE车辆少, 电动汽车使用寿命更长,维护成本更低, 这也让二手模特更有吸引力. 最后, drivers who are a little cautious about a total switch may be opting for hybrid vehicles in the first instance. While they haven’t gone fully electric, it’s still a step in the right direction.



因此,情况并不像新闻标题所说的那么严峻. 然而,英国的电动汽车转型战略远非完美. 有几件事可以帮到你……


向电力转型是一项浩大的工程. We’re being asked to stop using the fossil fuels that have been around for over 100 years when the electric alternative has only been around for 15 years or so. I don’t believe drivers are being appropriately educated about this major fuel transfer. It’s something 政府, manufacturers and the automotive 行业 could easily address. 最近, Association of Fleet Professionals produced an electric vehicle myth-busters guide 解决公司对汽车司机的误解. If the same amount of effort that goes into informing fleets about electrification went into informing consumers, 更多人会有信心购买电动汽车.


A successful move to EV requires organisations, 政府 and individuals to work together. 许多组织都低估了自己的作用. On the one hand they want colleagues to decarbonise commutes and transport, 但另一方面,他们没有提供这样做的手段. 例如, 大约40%的住宅物业没有路边停车位, 这使得在家里给电动汽车充电变得困难. 组织应该 安装电动汽车充电设施 在办公室帮助遇到这种情况的同事. Across the board there needs to be a more strategic and supportive approach to moving to EV. 这将确保道路上的任何障碍都能轻松克服, 而不会危及英国向电力的过渡.


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